Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Current development status

The holidays are behind me, sales tax calculations are nearly complete and I've been continuing on developing the set of Spanish Flashcards and adding features to Memorize-it that increase my productivity. Those tools in turn will also increase your productivity when you use Memorize-It. The current cool feature I'm implementing is in adding cards a that are scrambled multiple choice. I'm using those card types in the testing decks for the new quizzer. The conversion was pretty slow because I needed to go find a couple of different items as the incorrect choices from the rest of the deck. I'm in the middle of adding a little pull down to the text boxes that show all the text strings in the current deck and allows you to choose from those. This will save a lot of time in that I will not have to go open another card to cut and paste some other spanish word, I can just select it from a list.

I think it's going to be a very busy couple of months though. I've completely over committed my self in teaching, volunteering and at work. Better to be busy than slow and I always get more done that way, but this is looking a little ridiculous. Stay tuned, hopefully I find some way to stay out of the way of this giant mountain of work that is coming.

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